Monday, March 15, 2010

365 Days of Scooters: Day 74

Okay, I'll keep rolling with the gear theme and give a shout out to my trusty riding boots. I prefer boots over other types of shoes because they provide both ankle support and protection. I've been know to have balance issues while standing still and not otherwise impaired, so I like a good flat shoe as well :)

I've been sporting some awesome blue Timberlands for several years now. I'm on my third pair of this exact same shoe and don't know what I'll do when this last set wears out.

Why am I so enamored with them? Well, aside from being a truly awesome and stupendous shade of blue, they're water proof and comfortable and I got them dirt cheap.

I ran across these shoes at one of those little sneaker outlet kind of stores that seems to get all the rejects--who knew there wasn't a market for blue men's boots in small sizes? $20 later, I had a spare pair. Wore out the first pair and was on to the second. Passed by the outlet yet again and saw the last pair of blue ones in my size and just couldn't resist bringing them home. Pair two started to deteriorate and I finally had to break out pair number three this fall.

Since I now have a scooter to match my boots, I really don't know what I'll do when pair number three has had its last ride...

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